文/可以自由巴 For Peace Taiwan
自 2023 年 10 月起,加薩人民承受來自以色列的無差別攻擊已逾八個月。在衝突開始的第一個月,以色列便已投下等同於兩枚核彈當量的炸彈;在加薩,每一小時就有 15 人喪生、35 人受傷、十二棟建築物被摧毀。以色列對加薩的進犯已造成至少 36,224 人死亡,其中將近一半為兒童、將近一萬名死者是婦女。今年五月,在要求加薩難民往南部移動持續數月後,以色列國防軍不顧國際社群和國際法院的反對,進犯加薩南部城市拉法。以色列在人口稠密處進行打擊,在數日內便造成數百人死亡。
除了直接攻擊,以色列對加薩長期全面的封鎖使食物、飲水、能源、醫療資源等嚴重短缺,並可能引致飢荒等嚴重的全面性人道危機。以色列的進犯使包含聯合國人員的超過 200 名援助人員死亡,其中包括針對無國界醫師、世界中央廚房車隊和建物的直接攻擊;以色列國會近期亦通過法案一讀,將聯合國近東巴勒斯坦難民救濟和工程處指定為「恐怖組織」。此種針對援助單位以及援助人員的攻擊與恫嚇;使用白磷彈;對兒童、記者、醫護人員及障礙者的無差別謀殺;是在當代戰爭中極為少見、且不容於《禁止化學武器公約》、《日內瓦公約》以及國際人權法體系的行為。
現在我們所目擊的悲劇並不是源自哈瑪斯去年對以色列的攻擊,而是源自過去 76 年來巴勒斯坦人民長期承受的軍事封鎖和屯墾殖民;源自對交通、水源、飲食、醫療的暴力控制;源自以色列強加在巴勒斯坦人民身上的種族隔離制度;源自數十年的任意監禁、暴力鎮壓、反覆違反停火協議。
“Refuse to be complicit in genocide, embargo on weapon components now!”
Taiwan Palestine Solidarity March
Since October 2023, the people of Gaza have endured indiscriminate attacks from Israel for more than eight months. Israel’s assault on Gaza has killed at least 36,224 people, nearly half of them children and nearly 10,000 women.
The battle is tangible: the “Taiwan-Israel Congressional Association” launched by DPP legislator Chung Chia-pin was suspected to have transformed Taiwan’s small and medium-sized enterprises into a cog of the killing machine. Recent occurrences where Israeli representative personnel physically attacked peaceful protesters in Taiwan, further indicated that the indifference to Palestine and Gaza have similarly eroded Taiwan’s protection of basic freedoms such as peaceful assembly and expression.
For this, we demand:
1. Legislators should uphold Taiwan’s human rights values by ceasing to facilitate connections between arms manufacturers and Taiwanese companies. Legislators should actively engage in human rights and humanitarian advocacy with the Israeli government and parliament within the Taiwan-Israel Congressional Association.
Legislators may withdraw from or oppose the “Taiwan-Israel Congressional Association” to express their stance.
2. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should cease its provision of resources to Israel, and provide humanitarian assistance to Palestine, including essential aid such as food, medical supplies, and education.
3. The Ministry of Economic Affairs should publicly disclose trade records related to the manufacturing of military equipment for Israel. Provision of funds, raw materials, components, key technologies, and personnel for the manufacturing of Israeli military equipment shall be prohibited.
Additionally, it should cease cooperation with Israeli arms dealers in the development of weapons.
4. The Taiwanese government shall adhere to the principles of transitional justice and uphold the core values of human rights, ensuring that Taiwan does not become embroiled in this ongoing genocide.