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2022-06-07 @ 12:00 下午 - 2:00 下午
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關於 WCPFC 迫切需要勞工標準的國際網路研討會:沒有船員就沒有漁業
■ 日期:2022 年 6 月 7 日,週二, 12 PM (UTC+8)
■ 位置:Zoom平台(需要預先註冊)
■ 組織者:公益法倡導者 (APIL)、公民環境研究所 (CIES) 和環境正義基金會 (EJF)
■ 程序:
●中西太平洋漁業委員會(WCPFC) 勞工標準 CMM 草案簡介 – Bubba Cook, 世界自然基金會 (WWF)
台灣人擁有並懸掛萬那杜國旗的延繩釣船「大旺」的人權侵犯 – 汪英達, 桃園市群眾服務協會 (SPA)
斐濟和印度尼西亞船員在西太平洋和中太平洋的賬目 – Savenaca Kadavi, Human Dignity Group
韓國遠洋捕魚船隊侵犯人權 – Woojin Chung, 環境正義基金會 (EJF)
通過加強 WCPFC 中的船員保護,為永續和終止奴役的海鮮供應鏈做出貢獻 – Cade Mosley, 人權現在 (HRN)
沒有船員就沒有漁業:對中西太平洋漁業委員會(WCPFC) 勞工標準的迫切需求 – Jinsuh Cho, 公益法倡導者 (APIL)
2022 年 6 月 3 日 – 6 月 8 日,世界海洋日,全球 7 個非政府組織(公益法倡導者、國際運輸工人聯合會、公民環境研究所, 環境正義基金會、人類尊嚴組織、人權現在, 桃園市群眾服務協會)將發布題為“沒有船員就沒有漁業:WCPFC 對勞工標準的迫切需求”的簡報,並主辦一個跨國公司6 月 7 日舉行的網絡研討會,敦促中西太平洋漁業委員會 (WCPFC) 成員、合作的非成員和參與地區 (CCM) 共同努力,就船員勞工標准採取具有約束力的保護和管理措施 (CMM)。
為了應對這種不斷增長的需求,印度尼西亞於 2020 年 12 月在負責監管世界上最大的金槍魚漁場之一的區域漁業管理組織 (RFMO) 第 17 屆 WCPFC 例會上提出了關於船員勞工標準的具有約束力的 CMM。
6 月 7 日的網絡研討會將提供英語、韓語、日語、中文和印度尼西亞語的同聲傳譯,將介紹 WCPFC 目前正在討論的 CMM 草案,以及關於 WCPFC 為何應該並有權為船員制定具有約束力的勞工標準。
Press Advisory
World Ocean Day June 8
International Webinar on the Urgent Need for Labor Standards in the WCPFC: No Fisheries without Crew
June 3, 2022 – On June 8, the World Ocean Day, 7 non-governmental organizations around the world* will release a briefing titled, “No Fisheries without Crew: the urgent need for labor standards in the WCPFC” and host a multinational webinar on June 7 to urge Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) members, cooperating non-members and participating territories (CCMs) to work together to adopt a binding Conservation and Management Measure (CMM) on crew labor standards.
*Advocates for Public Interest Law, the International Transport Workers Federation, Citizens Institute for Environmental Studies, Environmental Justice foundation, Human Dignity Group, Human Rights Now, and Serve the People Association
Numerous NGO and media reports have recently revealed that the global seafood supply chain is tainted with labor exploitation, human trafficking and forced labor, which led to an increasing demand in the international community that human rights should be protected at sea as on land and the protection of those working in the fisheries is essential in promoting sustainable and responsible fisheries.
In response to such rising demand, Indonesia proposed a binding CMM on crew labor standards in December 2020 at the 17th Regular Session of the WCPFC, the regional fisheries management organization (RFMO) which regulates one of the world’s largest tuna fishing grounds.
The webinar on June 7th, which will provide simultaneous interpretation in English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Indonesian, will introduce the draft CMM currently being discussed at the WCPFC, as well as the briefing on why the WCPFC should and has the authority to establish binding labor standards for crew.
Case studies including the human rights violations of a Filipino fisher on a Vanuatu-flagged, Taiwanese-owned fishing vessel, research on human rights violations on Chinese and Korean distant water fishing fleets, research on human rights violations of Fijian and Indonesian crew members in the WCPF Convention area, and forced labor risks within the Japanese seafood supply chain will also be introduced in detail.
Media representatives are cordially invited to attend the webinar. Details are as follows:
International Webinar on the Urgent Need for Labor Standards in the WCPFC: No Fisheries without Crew ■ Date : Tuesday June 7, 2022 5 AM (UTC+1) United Kingdom 11 AM (UTC+7) Indonesia Jakarta 12 PM (UTC+8) Taiwan, Philippines 1 PM (UTC+9) South Korea, Japan 3 PM (UTC+11) Vanuatu 4 PM (UTC+12) New Zealand, Fiji, Tuvalu ■ Location : Zoom webinar* (Pre-registration required: https://us06web.zoom.us/ *Simultaneous interpretation in Chinese, English, Indonesian, Japanese, and Korean provided ■ Organizers: Advocates for Public Interest Law (APIL), Citizens Institute for Environmental Studies (CIES), Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) ■ Program