人權, 勞工, 性別, 社運發電機

【新聞稿】起來!團結!抵抗! One Billion Rising億起舞動,終結性暴力

文/菲律賓移工團體移工國際台灣分會(Migrante Taiwan)、印尼移工團體印尼工人團結聯盟( Asosiasi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia, ATKI)和桃園市群眾服務協會

在全球超過六十億人口中,女性至少占了三十億,而根據統計數據顯示,至少三分之一的女性有遭到性暴力的經驗,這個數目,正好相當於十億人。2012年,女權鬥士Eve Ensler發起了十億人起義(One Billion Rising; OBR)運動,以舞蹈號召,讓受害者舞動身體,不再因厭惡身體而懲罰自己,並重拾對生命的熱情。至今,OBR動已有超過兩百多個國家加入,台灣的勵馨基金會也於2013響應參與。

在台灣,除了台灣女性的權益外,還有一群長期籠罩在性暴力陰影之下的外籍看護工,同樣需要我們的關注。台灣現有超過25萬的外籍看護工,在現行的制度下,看護工住在雇主家中,通常與受照顧者睡在同一間房間。在這樣封閉隔絕的住家環境中,若家中成員有性騷擾甚至性侵害的舉動,看護工難以防範或抵抗。語言不通以及對台灣法律的不熟悉,往往讓這些看護工們求助無門。加上移工來台前會付上一筆昂貴的仲介費, 仲介往往以遣返要脅移工不要提告;為了還仲介費和賺錢養家,她們只能選擇沉默噤聲。



2014年,移工國際(Migrante International)台灣分會與印尼工人團結聯盟( Asosiasi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia ;ATKI)響應了台灣第一場以移工為主體的OBR運動。之後的每一年,都沒有缺席。



2.禁止仲介浮濫收費,要求菲辦(Manila Economic and Cultural Office;MECO)停止認證違反勞動契約的工資切結書。






移工國際(Migrante International)台灣分會、印尼工人團結聯盟( Asosiasi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia ;ATKI)、桃園群眾服務協會

Taiwan Migrants Dance/Rise For Solidarity Against Exploitation of Women 

This dance mob/mass action led by Migrante Taiwan in cooperation with Serve the People Association (SPA) and Asosiasi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Taiwan (ATKI-Taiwan) is part of our active participation in the global dance campaign called One Billion Rising for Revolution. (OBR).

Started in 2013, the OBR is a global dance movement initiated to raise awareness and campaign against all forms of violence against women. Migrante Taiwan has been participating in the OBR since 2014 as part of its campaign to advance the rights and welfare of women migrant workers in Taiwan.

Violence committed against women includes various forms of abuses that women migrant workers experience in Taiwan. Take the case of many caregivers here who are vulnerable to sexual and physical abuse, exploitation, long working hours with meager salaries, underpayment, and continually being 24 hours on call.

The slave-like condition of women migrant workers in Taiwan is no isolated case. This situation is shared and experienced by other women and migrant workers in other countries.

We also raise the alarm on the continued exploitation committed by brokers and agencies on migrant workers here in Taiwan and everywhere. We have documented cases of overcharging, harassment and all forms of problems that stem out from this system that only exploits and profits from the migrant workers.

We demand attention and support from the Philippine government, Indonesian government as well as relevant authorities of Taiwan, as we call for stronger protection of women migrant workers from any and all forms of harm and abuse.

Similarly, we demand the Philippine government and Indonesian government to address and find solutions to problems continually confronting migrant workers. More than ever, they should develop mechanisms to ensure protection of migrant workers, especially women, while abrogating oppressive policies and fees like the terminal fee, overseas employment certificate and the terminal fee. 

Women migrant workers everywhere deserve better – we are more than just objects or robots. We have rights, concerns and our very own dignity that need to be upheld, protected and ensured. And we will continue to rise, unite, and collectively struggle until all of these are achieved.

Event Information:

1.Febuary12, 2017 13:00 p.m. at Chungsan in front of Won-Won

2.Febuary12, 2017 15:00 p.m. at Taipei train station square

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