人權, 司法, 社運發電機







【時  間】2015年6月9日(二) 10:00~10:30
【地  點】法務部大門前廣場(台北市重慶南路一段130號)
【出  席】退休警察:B先生
國際人權團體代表:國際特赦組織台灣分會秘書長 唐博偉


A retired police officer may have proven Chiou’s Innocence

Press Conference – Chiou Ho-Shun Case

Reasons for retrial
The death penalty ruled against Chiou, Ho-Shun (“Chiou”) was concluded in Jul 28, 2011. The day right after the verdict, the Judicial Reform Foundation (“JRF”) received a phone call from a retired police officer.

The police officer said that he assisted with the investigation of the Chiou case 23 years ago. His conscience was shocked while learning Chiou’s capital punishment from media because he believed that Chiou was innocent. JFR asked the police officer what happened during Chiou’s investigation and requested the Control Yuan for further investigation.

In 2013 and 2014, the Control Yuan accordingly produced two reports. The reports together with a crucial inquiry record made by the police officer were delivered to the Ministry of Justice. Because of these documents, JRF suggested the Attorney General bring an extraordinary appeal; however, Mr. Yen, Da-Ho (“Yen”), the current Attorney General, refused. Yen believed that the inquiry record, even it was interviewed by the Control Yuan, is either a new fact or new evidence after Chiou’s verdict. It is a hearsay made by a person not the defendant outside the courtroom and therefore inadmissible.

Based upon Yen’s opinion, JRF files a motion for retrial.

We wonder, in what circumstance that police officers are willing to come forward and speak out the truth? For what reason that the Control Yuan is willing to redress the mistakes that might happen during Chiou’s investigation? Moreover, why the Chiou case attracts so many worldwide human right organizations’ attention and is considered as a landmark human right case in Taiwan?

Tomorrow, these questions will be answered! Tomorrow, we, together with the police officer, the parties in Chiou, the (pro bono) counselors, the former member of the Control Yuan, and representatives from notable human right organizations will be at the Ministry of Justice. We will ask the Ministry of Justice for explanations. We will ask the Ministry of Justice to correct the wrongs that ever occurred in the Chiou case. And, most importantly, we will ask the Ministry of Justice to release Chiou whose liberty has been cruelly deprived for 27 years!

Tsai Jui-Yuen Dance Foundation will perform during the session; it is advised to set up your camera before the conference begins.

All journalists and media personnel are welcome to attend the press conference

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