人權, 兩岸, 社運發電機



地點:英國貿易文化辦事處樓下 (台北市信義區松高路9-11


 10:0010:30  記者會:宣讀聲明並接受媒體提問

 10:3011:30  NGO代表與英國駐台代表胡克定Chris Wood會面 (不開放採訪)





The statement on British government’s abuse on human rights from Taiwan civil society





The British government has provide a high-level welcome to Xi jinping, the president of China. However, they haven’t paid enough concern over the deteriorating human rights condition in China after Xi has stepped on the position. Moreover, When the Chinese dissident and Tiananmen activist Shao Jiang, who’s currently based in UK, executed his own right to peacefully protest, he got arrested along with other two Tibetan peaceful protesters, Sonam Choden and Jamphel Lhamo, and even had his home searched by the British authority. The British government treated him not as a peaceful protester, but a dangerous terrorist.
The British government is acting obsequiously to the human rights abuser who imprisoned the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo, while oppressing the Chinese people who is striving for democracy. This is not only totally contradictory to the glorious tradition of Freedom and Democracy in the United Kingdom, but also humiliating on the Universal values. This is a real shame on the country.
We are revolting against such behaviour of the Cameron government which concerns only on the material benefits but easily give up the precious values of human rights. Therefore, we are showing our huge objection to the British government, and demanding the below: 1. The British government shall apologize to Shao Jiang, Sonam Choden and Jamphel Lhamo according to their violation and disrespect on his rights. 2. The British government shall have a stronger appeal on the Chinese human rights issues.
發起團體  Originator

華人民主書院|New School for Democracy
連署團體  Cosign

台灣圖博之友會|Taiwan Friends of Tibet
台灣自由圖博學會|Students for a Free Tibet-Taiwan
台灣關懷中國人權聯盟|Taiwan Association for China Human Rights
台灣和平草根聯盟|Taiwan Grassroots Alliance for Peace
台灣維吾爾之友會|Taiwan Friends of Uighurs
台灣青年反共救國團|Taiwan Youth Anti-Communist Corps
台灣陪審團協會|Taiwan Jury Association
台灣勞工陣線|Taiwan Labor Front
台灣人權促進會|Taiwan Association for Human Rights
台灣守護民主平台|Taiwan Democracy Watch
台灣廢除死刑推動聯盟|Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty
台灣親子共學教育促進會|Association of Parent Participating Education in Taiwan
國際特赦組織台灣分會|Amnesty International Taiwan
民間司法改革基金會|Judicial Reform Foundation
台灣聲援中國人權律師網絡|Taiwan Support China Human Rights Lawyers Network
環境法律人協會|Environmental Jurists Association
台灣永社|Taiwan Forever Association
張佛泉人權研究中心|Chang Fo-chuan Center for the Study of Human Rights
華人民主文化協會|Taiwan Society for Democracy